Randy 铲被授予ESGR爱国者奖

AU Executive Director of 招生 Randy 铲 selected as a Patriot Award recipient by ESGR


亚什兰, 俄亥俄州——兰迪·斯佩德, the executive director of admissions at 葡京平台线上, was recognized with the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve’s (ESGR) Patriot Award during a ceremony at AU’s Jack W. Liebert Military and Veteran Resource Center on May 17.

An ESGR Patriot Award is awarded to individual supervisors who contribute to “national security and protecting liberty and freedom by supporting employee participation in America’s National Guard and Reserve Force,,如证书上所述. It recognizes an individual’s dedication and efforts made to support citizen warriors through a wide range of measures, 包括灵活的时间安排, 在部署前后休息, caring for families and granting leaves of absence as needed.

铲 found himself at a rare loss of words when formally presented with the honor by John McCance, 俄亥俄州ESGR委员会主席, 和厄尼·斯通, 该委员会的雇主外联主任.

“This just kind of threw me for an entire loop, a whole loop, a 360-degree loop. I’m grateful and I’m honored beyond the words that I can say. 我喜欢我们的工作. 我喜欢我们这么做的目的. 和, 我很高兴我们又聚在一起做这件事,斯佩德非常惊讶地说, who was joined by most of the admissions staff for the occasion. “从心底里,谢谢你. 这意味着很多.”

Winners of the award are nominated by an employee serving in the National Guard or Reserve and then the state committee reviews the nomination. 斯佩德由瑞安·耶特提名, a full-time recruitment specialist for AU who also serves as a staff sergeant and motor transport operator for the 俄亥俄州 National Guard.

“Randy 铲 has been a military advocate since the day I met him and even before. He believes that those in the military should be recognized and have benefits that (are) utilized to their potential. 他认为退伍军人, 当前的军事, 军人配偶和子女有着独特的经历,耶特在他的提名信中写道.

Yeater为持续, “在过去的五年里, he has taken 葡京平台线上 to a standard of military and veteran services that colleges and universities not only in 俄亥俄州, 但在全国范围内, 仰望. He has taken an office that was in a back corner and transformed it into a 独立的建筑, a 住房选择 and dedicated employees that deal with veterans and their children in order to maximize their educational benefits. He strives to see everyone that walks though his door come through the other side with a degree in their hand and as little debt as possible. He has assisted with fundraisers and campaigns all in the name of veteran support. Randy is the poster child of what a civilian military supporter should strive to be.”

McCance指出,ESGR大约支持28种,000 Reserve Component members in 318 units across 俄亥俄州 and the committee gives out “maybe 50 Patriot 奖” per year.

“When a Reserve Component member takes the time to make the application … that, 对我来说, speaks volumes of the relationship between the Reserve Component member and their employer and the culture in which that member has the opportunity to serve. So, thank you very much for supporting (Ryan) and all of the Reserve Component members, 这个设施很神奇,麦肯斯说。.

铲, 自2015年7月以来,谁在非盟担任过各种职务, 难道自己不是老兵吗, but he feels called to support military-connected employees as well as students and their families.

“They deserve our respect and admiration and our care and compassion. Taking care of them is the best thing we can do to support our patriotic duty. There’s no higher honor than taking care of those men and women,” explained 铲.

他继续说, “I can tell you every veteran that I’ve ever worked with and everyone of their stories and … everyone of their journeys that we went on together. You don’t get opportunities like that very often, and I get to have those every day. Every new veteran we meet is … a new journey we get to go on, a new adventure. To help them create a new life after their service to our country is so rewarding, it’s not work. 这是一生难得的冒险.”

AU,是联合国的成员 第一届大学紫星校园, proudly supports the 408 military-connected students (and their families) who were enrolled last academic year as well as the thousands of alumni who are veterans.

“It’s an honor for the university to receive an award that recognizes how much we care about our military teammates. We’re happy to be a place where service members know that when they come 首页, 他们的队伍还在等着他们,爱国者奖的斯佩德说.

ESGR, 成立于1972年, is a Department of Defense program that develops and promotes supportive work environments for Reserve Component members from the National Guard and Reserve. With a staff comprised of dedicated and trained volunteers, ESGR倡导相关举措, 表彰杰出的支持, increases awareness of applicable laws and resolves conflict between civilian employers and service members.

葡京平台线上是中等规模的大学, private university conveniently located a short distance from Akron, 克利夫兰和哥伦布, 俄亥俄州. 亚什兰大学(www.亚什兰.edu) values the individual student and offers a unique educational experience that combines the challenge of strong applied academic programs with a faculty and staff who build nurturing relationships with their students.