非盟与岛津的合作成果是500美元,科学设备升级, 新的教育机会
ASHLAND, 俄亥俄州-葡京平台线上与岛津大学建立了正式的合作伙伴关系, 精密科学设备制造的跨国领导者, that will transform AU’s capability for research and teaching within the 文学院 and Sciences.
非盟获得了四台新的岛津科学仪器, 价值超过500美元,000, 已经安装在凯特林科学中心. 除了, AU现在是SPARQ的合作伙伴, 是岛津学术项目的缩写吗, 研究和生活质量, 独家, invitation-only opportunity of which few schools in the United States are granted access.
“I am delighted to work with Shimadzu Scientific Instruments to enhance the Kettering Labs because the SPARQ program represents a true partnership,凯蒂·布朗说。, Ph.D.他是非盟文理学院院长. “Shimadzu has worked closely with our faculty and staff to ensure that the selection of instruments is catered to our student learning outcomes. Shimadzu also ensures that our faculty will have the support they need to make the most effective use of the new equipment in both teaching and research. These new instruments will significantly expand the topics and methods that our faculty and students can explore in their research projects.”
“We at Shimadzu are very excited for this SPARQ partnership with Ashland University and to see how the faculty and students expand their research experience. Ashland now has a state-of-the-art lab that ensures any testing needs are within their capabilities,马修·柴德兹说, 岛津科学仪器的区域经理. “我个人最为学生们感到兴奋. Having this level of instrumentation and experience as an undergraduate will be an invaluable tool to prepare them for their futures in the science field and ensure they are set apart from their peers at other universities. 希望在不久的将来, we have a few AU graduates come join the Shimadzu team and help lead the way for our future as well.”
The new lab equipment will benefit all students and faculty who use the Kettering Science Center, 尤其是生物学方面的, chemistry, 环境科学, geology, 物理和毒理学学术课程.
- 液相色谱质谱计, a modern mass spectrometer offering fast and accurate detection of trace chemical compounds in pharmaceutical samples, 环境污染物和其他混合物
- Nexera离子色谱系统, 哪些可以处理水样, 环境科学的重要组成部分, 分析化学和地球化学课程及研究
- Nexera凝胶渗透色谱系统, which possesses polymer-specific analysis tools that will elevate research in a variety of applications and complies with American Chemical Society-approved programs
- 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱仪, 一种同时测量多种金属和溶液浓度的仪器, which will enhance current research efforts in toxic metals found in consumer products, 环境、水和社会研究以及地球化学测量
杰夫Weidenhamer, 董事会杰出化学教授, 开始使用新乐器很兴奋吗, 这将使他 开创性的研究 效率更高,对有抱负的科学家更有吸引力.
“One of the things we pride ourselves on is to give students hands-on experience with state-of-the-art equipment. Students come here because of the instrumentation we have in lab that they know they are going to get trained on,魏登哈默说. “这将有助于我们继续吸引优秀的学生.”
至于SPARQ的合作关系, it will serve as a bridge between academic research and applications development. AU faculty and students will consult and work with Shimadzu’s scientists and industry experts on various projects. 这种独特的教育机会将是互利的.
“很荣幸能成为岛津SPARQ项目的一部分. Not only will the new equipment help to sustain and to expand our chemical instrumentation laboratory, but this initiative is a great step forward in our deep-rooted efforts to provide hands-on opportunities for scientific study. We are excited about this truly transformative partnership,” said Rebecca Corbin, Ph.D.他是非洲大学化学、地质和物理系主任.
Shimadzu selected AU as an award recipient because of its proven track record of outstanding science student preparation and its potential for tremendous growth.
“岛津很高兴与葡京平台线上建立合作伙伴关系. 通过这次合作, we aim to elevate their already outstanding chemistry program by providing cutting-edge instrumentation,Dave Jorissen说, 岛津的销售总监. “Our commitment extends beyond technology; we look forward to fostering continued collaboration with Ashland’s incredibly talented students and faculty. 我们认为这是长期互利关系的开始.”
This partnership and the new equipment were made possible by a lead gift from Dawn Swit ’92, 谁说这是一个“容易的决定”.
“在一个以科学为基础的领域, I understand the company or academic institution … is only as good as the level of the equipment that they have,斯威特解释道。, who recently retired from a highly successful career in the information technology and insurance business. “If a (student’s) resume doesn’t show that they’ve worked with the equipment their industry wants them to have, 他们处于不利地位. So, 这不仅有助于(亚什兰)吸引学生, 但它会帮助毕业生找到更好的工作. 岛津似乎是一个很好的合作伙伴. Meeting with the rep and the engineer, I’m even more excited what this will mean.”
4月13日出席剪彩仪式并访问非盟期间, Swit was excited to see how “the campus has really continued to grow” and looks “even more amazing than when (she) was here.” And, she is very much looking forward to seeing the impact of the Shimadzu partnership.
“I love it. 我太兴奋了. It gives me goosebumps to think that there are going to be students in here grinding away at 11 o’clock at night on a Tuesday trying to work on their samples and finish a project to be able to turn in. 这太棒了,”她说.
Also making significant donations to the Shimadzu partnership were Jeff Gorman, 谢里尔哈德逊, Richard Metz和Donald Sens, as well as the dean’s office of the 文学院 and Sciences and the department of chemistry, 地质与物理.
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments (SSI) is the American subsidiary of Shimadzu Corporation, 总部设在京都, Japan. 岛津成立于1875年,价值3美元.5 billion multinational corporation with three major divisions: Medical Diagnostics, 航空航天/工业和分析仪器. 在美国, SSI has a network of more than 50 locations providing local and regional sales, 服务和技术支持. Visit ssi.shimadzu.com 了解更多信息.
葡京平台线上是中等规模的大学, 私立大学便利,距离阿克伦很近, 克利夫兰和哥伦布, Ohio. 亚什兰大学(dzmwur.steurm.net) values the individual student and offers a unique educational experience that combines the challenge of strong applied academic programs with a faculty and staff who build nurturing relationships with their students.